About ashaya

Drawing inspiration from Ayurveda, ashaya is the realisation of a journey by three women, each on their own hormonal path. An extension of their personal experiences to support other women.

Our Story
ashaya has been mindfully created to bring your hormones gently into balance. Tailored formulations for PMS and perimenopause symptoms.
Our Philosophy
A platform to empower, educate and support our community of women to find hormonal balance throughout their lives.
Our Founders
The beautiful creation of Jodie Matthews, Siobhan Fildes and Sarah Ward, who are connected by a shared and infinite love of beauty and conscious living.

Our Values

Benefit Driven

Our supplement powders are TGA listed, containing ingredients of the highest therapeutic quality, all with a history of traditional use for relieving hormonal imbalance and associated symptoms. Effective yet gentle enough to use everyday.

Ethically Led

Inspired by the planet and people, we are conscious in our creation. We are cruelty free, vegan and free from nasties. Our approach to sustainability is being transparent and committed to adapt and evolve as we learn each day.

Women Owned Business

Proudly owned and led by women, for women. Our mission is to empower, educate and support women to find hormonal balance and be a platform for conversation.

Botanical Based

Infused by the finest quality research-backed adaptogenic and Ayurvedic botanicals, specifically chosen for their hormonal balancing qualities. 

Blended in Australia

Australian born and blended with the finest ingredients sourced from all around the world.